Shareware Extravaganza - Disc 3
Shareware Extravaganza - Over 25,000 Programs (The Ultimate Shareware Company)(Disc 3 of 4)(1993).iso
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BOOT.SYS(tm) and the accompanying programs and documentation are
Copyright (c) 1989, 1990, 1991 Hans Salvisberg
All rights reserved
BOOT.SYS is not free! You may try it out at no charge for an
initial trial period to determine if it fits your needs. If you
want to continue using BOOT.SYS after the initial trial period
you must register. This method of software distribution is known
as Shareware.
The registration fee for a single copy of BOOT.SYS is SFR 70.- +
s&h (exchange rate US$ to Swiss Francs is about $0.63 = SFR 1.-
(July 1991)) for registration with the author in Switzerland or
$39 US + s&h for registration with PsL in the U.S.A.
Payment of the single-copy registration fee entitles you to the
following benefits:
* A disk with the current version of BOOT.SYS
* A printed and bound manual
* A special utility program that lets you transfer your license
to any later shareware versions of BOOT.SYS that you may
obtain from any shareware source (getting an upgrade from the
author requires new registration).
* Free support (by electronic mail or by mail) for the first
90 days after payment, consisting of answering questions and
fixing any reproducible program error(s) that interfere(s)
with the intended use of the program as outlined in this
documentation. The author may choose not to fix problems
related to a special hardware and/or software configuration
and will then arrange for a refund of the registration fee,
if the problem is reported within 90 days of payment. The
author makes no other warranties, expressed or implied, and
this warranty is expressly limited to the cost of the regis-
tration fee.
* BOOT.SYS is publicly supported on CompuServe in the DOS Uti-
lities section of the IBMSYS forum. A free CompuServe Intro-
Pak, which includes a $15.00 usage credit, is available to
registered BOOT.SYS users who do not yet subscribe to
CompuServe. CompuServe will open the door for a whole new
world of information, services, and interesting people. Com-
puServe is also the best place to obtain technical support
for products from Hans Salvisberg (and many other developers
and vendors). The CompuServe IntroPak (a $39.95 value) is
provided to registered BOOT.SYS users compliments of Compu-
Serve, Inc., and Hans Salvisberg. This offer is dependent on
its continued availability from CompuServe, Inc.
For your information: Current CompuServe rates are $12.50 per
connect hour plus communications surcharges (e.g., $0.30/hour
in the U.S.A., $9.50/hour in Switzerland and the United King-
dom, varying rates in other countries).
Note: All prices and terms are subject to change without notice.
BOOT.SYS must be registered before it is used in a commercial
(business, corporate, government, educational, or other institu-
tional) environment beyond initial evaluation or on more than one
There are no quantity discounts available for BOOT.SYS, because
it does not make sense to purchase a large number of single-PC
licenses. However, site licenses for installing BOOT.SYS on mul-
tiple computers are available starting at 2 PCs. Please refer to
the accompanying file SITELICE.DOC for details.
You have several choices for registering:
- With the author in Switzerland at SFR 70.- + s&h: All payment
must be done in Swiss Francs. The easiest way to transfer
funds is by credit card. You authorize us to charge your card
for the amount due in SFR and the credit card company will
automatically convert to your currency using the current
exchange rate. We cannot guarantee a fixed exchange rate or a
certain date for the conversion to take place, but based on
our experience the exchange rates do not vary rapidly.
Alternatively you may send us a postal money order in Swiss
Francs (your local post office does the currency conversion).
- With Public software Library in the U.S.A. at $39 + $4 s&h.
They take credit card orders on a toll-free phone number or
written orders accompanied by a check or credit card informa-
- With an authorized representative in your country from the
list below at a price roughly equivalent to SFR 70.- + s&h.
BUDGETWARE personal and company cheque,
P.O. Box 496 postal order,
Newtown NSW 2042 Bankcard, Mastercard, Visacard
Phone (02) 519-4233, Fax (02) 516-4236
If you are a well-established company (preferably ASP Associ-
ate Member and CompuServe member) and interested in repre-
senting us in your country, please contact us with details on
your services and terms.
- By purchasing a pre-registered copy of BOOT.SYS at your local
software dealer.
Registration Form (SWITZERLAND) 1.42
Quantity BOOT.SYS (current version) Price
________ x SFR 70.- = SFR ________
Shipping (Airmail where appropriate)
Switzerland: SFR 5.-; all others: SFR 10.- SFR ________
Total SFR ________
Payment is done by (check one):
[ ] VISA | Card Number: _________________________
| Exact name on card: Exp.:
[ ] MasterCard |
| __________________________ _____
[ ] American |
Express | Signature: ___________________________
[ ] eurocheque (no other kind of personal checks!) in SFR
[ ] international postal money order (prepaid) in Swiss funds
[ ] check or money order in Swiss funds drawn on a Swiss bank
[ ] bank transfer (prepaid) to Union Bank of Switzerland,
CH-3001 Berne, SWITZERLAND, account 560828.40U
Terms: All credit card charges will be authorized; credit cards
are not charged until your order is shipped. Checks may be sub-
ject to bank clearance delay before shipment; please make all
checks 'non-negotiable' or 'for deposit only' to minimize the
risks incurred in the mail. All prices and terms are current as
of July 1991 and may change without notice.
Diskette size: check if 3.5" required: [ ]
Company _______________________________________________
Name _______________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________
Phone _______________________________________________
I have read and agree to abide by the BOOT.SYS license agreement:
(Signature) _________________________________________
Where did you get BOOT.SYS? _____________________________
What DOS are you using (e.g. Compaq 3.31)? ______________
Check if you own a modem and would like to receive a free Intro-
Pak for CompuServe (as long as available): [ ]
Please use an additional page for any comments or suggestions.
Mail this form to: Hans Salvisberg, Bellevuestr. 18,
Ordering BOOT.SYS by Electronic Mail (up to 4 units ONLY!):
E-Mail orders must be paid by credit card (VISA, MasterCard, or
AmEx) or prepaid bank transfer. Please include ALL the informa-
tion on the order form with your E-Mail order in the same format,
preferably by editing this form and filling in the blanks. Mail
your order to:
CompuServe: 73237,3556
Internet: 73237.3556@compuserve.com
If you should be unable to reach CompuServe from Internet just
contact the Internet administrator of the particular host and
have him/her add "compuserve.com" to the list of valid destina-
tions. Please note that the comma in the user ID is replaced with
a period for Internet addressing.
Registration Form (U.S.A.) 1.42
Do not send or email to author in Switzerland - use for PsL only!
Quantity BOOT.SYS (current version) Price
single-PC license
________ x US$ 39.00 = US$ ________
Shipping (U.S. $4.00, foreign $10.00) US$ ________
Total US$ ________
Payment is done by (check one):
[ ] VISA | Card Number: _________________________
[ ] MasterCard | Exact name on card: Exp.:
[ ] American |
Express | __________________________ _____
[ ] Discover |
| Signature: ___________________________
[ ] check or money order in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank
Terms: All credit card charges will be authorized; credit cards
are not charged until your order is shipped. Checks may be sub-
ject to bank clearance delay before shipment; please make all
checks 'non-negotiable' to minimize the risks incurred in the
mail. All prices and terms are current as of July 1991 and may
change without notice.
Diskette size: check if 3.5" required [ ]
Company _______________________________________________
Name _______________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________
Phone _______________________________________________
I have read and agree to abide by the BOOT.SYS license agreement:
(Signature) _________________________________________
Mail this form to: Public software Library, P.O. Box 35705
Houston, TX 77235-5705
Ordering BOOT.SYS by Phone: Call PsL at
713-524-6394 for ordering information
713-524-6398 FAX
800-242-4775 for orders only
Ordering BOOT.SYS via CompuServe: 71355,470
For information about volume discounts, site licenses, and tech-
nical questions please contact the author (not PsL).